What Are The Top Reasons For Women To Visit A Gynaecologist?

What Are The Top Reasons For Women To Visit A Gynaecologist?


A gynecologist specializes in any issues related to female reproductive health. Once you hit puberty, it is recommended to visit the best gynacologist in Siliguri. It will help you to form a strong bond with your doctor so that you can discuss any issues that you are facing related to menstruation or other factors related to sexual health or concerns related to STDs.

You might have to frequently visit your gynecologist after you reach the age of puberty until menopause. Aside from reproductive health, a gynecologist also treats conditions that can affect your urethra, bladder, or rectum based on their relationship with the reproductive system.

Reasons to Visit the Gynecologists in Siliguri

As a woman, you must know that visiting an obstetrician/gynecologist is very important to maintain your feminine health. The gynecologist doctors are trained to diagnose and treat conditions that your general practitioner might not be able to recognize.

Here are some of the common compelling reasons to visit a gynecologist and obstetrician doctor in Siliguri:

  • For a general examination of gynecological health, it should be on the calendar to make a yearly appointment with your gynecologist. Once you reach puberty, a visit to the gynecologist at least once a year is very necessary. The occurrence of any issues or changes can be detected easily through these annual check-ups. Early detection will also help you receive successful treatment.
  • Irregular menstrual cycle: If you are suffering from irregular periods, it can be due to some other health issues. Visiting a gynecologist in such cases becomes a necessity to obtain a proper exam.

You can tell your doctor about the span of your cycle, whether it has become longer or shorter, if you are bleeding heavily and are suffering from painful cramps, and get solutions accordingly.

  • Birth control options: You must visit a gynecologist if you are not willing to get pregnant. They will guide you through various birth control options. Based on your health conditions and medical history, they will give you the best birth control option to follow so that it does not adversely affect your overall health.
  • Breast examination:Concernsrelated to breast issues are relevant to many women. With a yearly manual breast examination, issues can be checked related to tissue masses and lumps near the breast.
  • For the treatment of STDs, another common reason to visit a gynecologist is the concern related to STDs or sexually transmitted diseases. If you notice symptoms like the foul discharge from the vagina or genital lesion, visiting a gynecologist is recommended. You must not delay getting treatment for STDs, as it can lead to some serious lifetime issues such as infertility.
  • To deal with infertility: Infertility can be caused due to several reasons. A gynecologist will help you find out the main cause behind your infertility through a proper diagnosis. They can also deal with less serious infertility issues or refer you to some infertility specialist to receive further treatment.
  • Problem with menstruation: It is very important to get an evaluation from a gynecologist if you are facing issues with your menstruation. You must never ignore issues related to menstruation, as it can cause vital fertility issues at a later point in life.

You can get the proper diagnosis from your gynecologist by describing your symptoms, such as irregular periods, excessive bleeding, or painful periods.

  • During pregnancy,your obstetrician and gynecologist will guide you throughout your precious journey of pregnancy. You must visit them during this period to keep yourself and your baby protected and safe.

A gynecologist plays a crucial role in female reproductive health by diagnosing and treating issues related to the reproductive organs. Once you reach puberty, it is recommended to visit the best gynacologist in Siliguri. This will help you to get a screening about your condition beforehand, and you can receive proper care and treatment accordingly. 

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