Prevention and Treatments of Repeated Miscarriages

Prevention and Treatments of Repeated Miscarriages


Miscarriages are one of the most commonly occurring complications in pregnancy occurring in about 12-24% of all recognized pregnancies. It is the spontaneous loss of the pregnancy before it reaches viability at 20-24 weeks of gestation and 1% of all couples trying to conceive experience repeated miscarriages or recurrent pregnancy loss.

Recurrent miscarriages can have many causes and most commonly it is caused by an abnormality in the embryo's chromosome. Women that experience pregnancies with 3 or more miscarriages in a row are called recurrent pregnancy loss and although it is a very stressful problem that can develop even after a successful pregnancy it is curable.

Prevention of Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

As aforementioned, there are many causes of recurrent miscarriages and in some cases, the doctor can't pinpoint the cause of it. Although it is a devastating problem with good medical care and expert help most couples who have this problem can have a good chance of conceiving in the future. Given below are some of the steps that can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.
  • Quitting Smoking – as smoking can lead to reduced fertility in men and women and causes a higher risk of miscarriage. It is important to quit smoking before conceiving as it can lead to the pregnancy ending before the 20th week.   
  • Limiting caffeine – consuming too much can be harmful as it can decrease the blood flow to the placenta which provides oxygen and nutrients to the baby. Although caffeine is not an extremely harmful thing and  an obstetrician in Siliguri recommend taking one cup a day.  
  • Getting Regular Checkups - or regular prenatal care as it is important to take the best care of the pregnancy and to check on the health of the growing baby. Checkups can also help catch problems early before they can cause complications.
  • Testing for Diabetes - as diabetes is bad for pregnancies and is the type of condition that can increase the risk of recurrent miscarriages. Losing weight, exercising regularly, and eating nutritious food can increase the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Treatments For Recurrent Pregnancy Loss

Women who have experienced two or more miscarriages can require expert diagnosis and treatments to have a healthy pregnancy. As less than half of recurrent miscarriages have an obvious or treatable cause. Some of the common treatments for recurrent pregnancy loss can include:
  • Surgery – it is used to fix problems in the uterus like extra tissue, fibroids, or scar tissue, and correcting the shape of the uterus can help lower the chances of miscarriage.
  • Blood thinning medicines – these medicines can be taken to lower the risk of miscarriages caused by autoimmune or clotting problems.
  • Other medical problems – treating other medical problems can also help as the loss of a pregnancy can also be caused by problems like abnormal blood sugar levels and more.  
For more queries you can always consult with the best gyne doctors in Siliguri.  

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