Difference Between PCOS And PCOD

Difference Between PCOS And PCOD


Women are prone to a higher risk of suffering from health issues especially when it comes to fertility health. PCOD and PCOS are the two major diseases that affect reproductive organs causing hormonal imbalances. You may also consider seeking help from gyne doctors in Siliguri who can help you with proper evaluation and treatment to manage your symptoms.

Although both of the diseases sound similar to one another and affect the ovaries, they both have different effects towards health. While PCOD is caused by to overproduction of Testerone, PCOS is caused due to hormonal imbalances in the body. In this blog, we will be talking about the basic difference between PCOD and PCOS along with its symptoms and available treatments.

Overview of PCOD

Polycystic Ovarian Disease or PCOD is a form of medical condition that causes excess production of Testerone hormones in the body that result in the formation of immature eggs. This causes growth in male hormones which may lead to hair loss, weight gain, and irregular menstrual cycles as well as fertility issues in women. However, proper evaluation of the body and making changes in lifestyle can help to control the symptoms of this condition.

Overview of PCOS

Similarly, Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome or PCOS is a type of health condition when your body tends to release higher amounts of androgen levels in the body. These abnormalities in the hormones cause the formation of small cysts in the ovaries causing irregular ovulation and difficulty in getting pregnant.

Signs and Symptoms of PCOD

Ovaries are responsible for the production of numerous hormones in the body including androgen and Testerone hormones. The PCOD disrupt these glands and causes abnormal production of male Testerone in the body affecting the ovaries. Here are some of the popular symptoms that indicate Polycystic Ovarian Disease.

  • Irregular periods
  • Excess hair growth
  • Acne in Skins
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Changes in voice
  • Increase in muscle mass

Signs and Symptoms of PCOS

Although there are no exact symptoms that can be associated with PCOS, there are a few warning signs that indicate it. Most of the signs are hard to detect and therefore it is very hard to determine the conditions at an early stage. Following are the common signs and symptoms of Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome.

  • Missed periods
  • Weight gain
  • Thinning of hair
  • Acne in face
  • Dark skin patches
  • Heavy menstrual bleeding

Diagnosis and Treatments

Both PCOD and PCOS are diagnosed with similar tests and evaluation analyses which include blood tests, ultrasound, pelvic examination, glucose tolerance tests and many more. These tests are conducted after a proper evaluation of your body and symptoms related to the disease. Apart from this, your doctor might also conduct numerous tests of glucose and blood pressure at regular intervals. You can also consult with Siliguri's best gyno doctor for better evaluation of your body who will then create a personalized treatment plan based on your health condition.

Talking about treatments, your doctor might prescribe you certain medications to treat or manage the condition. In some cases, your doctor might conduct surgery to remove the ovaries from the body avoiding it from future occurrence. Laparoscopic surgery is one of the most common forms of surgical treatment for these conditions.

Lifestyle modifications

Although there are numerous treatments available most of the time these conditions cannot be treated fully, but can be managed with lifestyle modifications.  Following are some of the steps following which can help to manage the symptoms of PCOD and PCOS in your body.

  • Follow healthy weight

Obesity is one of the most common symptoms of these conditions. Therefore, managing your weight not only helps to reduce the risk of these conditions but also helps to manage them.

  • Eat health foods

Adding protein-rich and high-fibre foods to the diet can help to manage the symptoms of PCOS and PCOD. However, it is necessary to avoid eating sugary and processed foods as they can cause inflammation and insulin resistance in the body.

  • Manage stress levels

Stress levels are known to release the stress hormone Cortisol, which also causes changes in the hormonal balance in the body. With better management of your stress level, your body can get better healing time while managing the symptoms of these conditions.

When it comes to the management and treatment of PCOD and PCOS it is always necessary to seek help from the best gyne doctors in Siliguri. They will conduct a thorough analysis of your body following my proper treatment plan that will help to overcome the symptoms of these diseases leading towards a healthy life.

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