5 Key Reasons of Using Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection- ICSI

5 Key Reasons of Using Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection- ICSI


Intracytoplasmic Sperm Injection or ICSI is an effective method that increases the chances of a successful pregnancy. This treatment is often included in the IVF procedure when a couple is suffering from male infertility. The main aim of ICSI is to create a healthy embryo by injecting a healthy sperm into the egg cytoplasm in a laboratory setting. 

If your partner is suffering from male infertility then you can also avail the effective treatments of IVF in North Bengal. The risks of the sperm not fertilizing the egg, which happens in traditional IVF, can hugely be reduced by using the ICSI method. 

Given below are some of the key reasons why the doctor may recommend an ICSI method. 

1. Retrograde Ejaculation

Retrograde ejaculation or dry orgasm is one of the main causes of male infertility when the doctor recommends ICSI. This complication happens when the semen instead of going toward the penis enters the bladder. 

Orgasms with no semen and cloudy urination after orgasm are the common symptoms of retrograde ejaculation. In most cases, the doctors often retrieve the sperm directly from the bladder and then process it to inject the healthy sperm into the egg.

2. Low Sperm Quality And Quantity 

Low sperm count or poor quality decreases the chances of fertilizing the egg of your partner. Various medical, lifestyle, environmental, and health-related factors such as drug use, chromosomal defects, varicocele, and infections can lead to this complication when the ICSI method is used. 

The doctor often recommends semen analysis, post-ejaculation urinalysis, scrotal ultrasound, genetic tests, or hormone testing to diagnose this health condition. Apart from surgery, medications, and treatment for infections, ICSI is an effective that can directly insert healthy sperm for fertilization.  

3. Anejaculation

Anejaculation is another health complication experienced by the men when ICSI method is used. In this health issue, there is no ejaculation after orgasm which makes it impossible to fertilize eggs. 

Some of the key causes of anejaculation are nerve damage, diabetes, spinal cord injury, multiple sclerosis, and treatments for testicular cancer. Stress, depression, and anxiety can also lead to situational anejaculation. A urine test right after orgasm can help the doctor to diagnose this condition.

4. Usage Of Frozen Sperm Or Eggs 

ICSI is a beneficial procedure that is also used in some situations when the couple uses frozen eggs or sperm for fertilization. This method is also called cryopreservation, which is advantageous for couples with infertility issues, advancing age, ongoing cancer treatment, or gender transition. 

For an effective ICSI method, the sperm or embryo is first removed from liquid nitrogen and then it is brought back to normal temperature. After this, it is soaked, and then with an injection the sperm is inserted.

5. Thickened Zona Pellucida 

Women of advanced age often develop a thick zona pellucida, which makes it extremely difficult for the sperm to penetrate this layer. Herein, the ICSI method becomes the only option because with this method the doctor easily cracks open the zona pellucida to insert the sperm for successful fertilization. 

Before using the treatments of IVF in North Bengal, you must always remember the fact that ICSI or any other assisted reproductive technology (ART) method doesn’t provide a 100% guarantee of a successful pregnancy. Pregnancy can only occur if the embryo is properly implanted in the uterus after embryo transfer.

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