Dr. Roy's Research & Publication

1 A prospective observational study of Placenta Previa in Post Cesarean Pregnancy- Indian journal of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology, Vol-19., No2 , December 2008

2 Case Report-Term Pregnancy Following Unification Operation in a Case Of Bicornuate Uterus with History of Spontaneous Miscarriage - Indian journal of Perinatology and Reproductive Biology, Vol-19, No2 , December 2008

3 THESIS - Comparative Study of Emergent, Urgent and Elective Cesarean Section-Indication and Outcomes.

4 Contributor in Kolkata PG Entrance Book Publishes in 2008.

5 Environmental Toxicant and Male Fertility - Indian Journal of Fertility 2013, Vol-23, No-4.

6 Role of Sildenafil in Thin Endometrium - Indian Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 2012.
